Swiss International Management Academy

Liability Disclaimer

Our organization is classed as a Business School, distinguishing its status from that of a standard university. As such, Swiss International Management Academy (SIMA Global) is not beholden to regulations imposed by the Swiss Higher Education Act (HEdA) and not listed on Swissuniversities’ list of accredited higher education institutions therefore the School is free to provide higher education and confer private degrees, from bachelor’s to doctorate levels.

Validity of degrees issued by private institutions in Switzerland
“Validity of degrees issued by private institutions in Switzerland
While higher education in Switzerland is primarily dispensed by public institutions, there are also many private ones. In Switzerland no prior authorisation is required in order to offer higher education courses, organise examinations or issue private degrees. In certain cases, however, the federal or cantonal authorities, depending on their respective area of authority, will supervise private institutions and/or authorise them to offer courses and issue degrees.
Private institutions based in Switzerland that are not accredited under the HEdA may only issue private degrees. Such degrees:
– may be used by the holder to carry out an unregulated profession; appreciation of the value of private degrees is left up to employers.
Generally speaking, there are no international agreements protecting the value of private degrees; in all cases, it is up to the national authorities in the host country to decide whether to recognize foreign qualifications. Private institutions are able to legitimately carry out their activities in Switzerland by virtue of the principle of economic freedom.
From the State Secretariat for Education and Research SER Directorate
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